Thursday, 10 February 2011

DDB Dubai.

DDB Dubai. Music Master. Art director Diya Ajit.
Music Master, an MP3 download site based in Dubai, launched its services on February 1 with an advertising campaign featuring QR Codes. In-mall advertisements depict hundreds of QR codes which consumers will be invited to scan in search of a few that lead to free music downloads. Print ads feature a prominent QR code and give consumers the chance to download free tracks if they link Music Master with their Facebook page.
Mosaic's created by Nick Swaffield. Client launch movie here. 

Leo Burnett.

Headlines created in Cinema 4D.

Saatchi & Saatchi London.

Saatchi & Saatchi London. Toyota. Art director Stanley Cheung.
Photographer Kai Wiechmann.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Fallon New York.

Fallon New York. Cadillac. Art director Tom Riddle.

 Retouching and CGI for Cadillac.

Discovery Channel.

Discovery Channel. Art director. Dave Bez.

Poster for an eight part tv series documenting the final mission of the Ark Royal. Photographed at Portsmouth as the ship was being stripped of ammunition's and hardware. Bottle, plinth and slate background shot in our studio. Photography David Rowland.

Leo Burnett.

Leo Burnett. BlackBerry. Art director Ian Mitchell.

Our second European campaign for BlackBerry phones. Client supplied wireframes, materials rendered in Maya, screens and lens flares added in photoshop.